Organic Labs (P) Ltd is a multi-faceted healthcare organization with a proficient marketing team, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and R&D centres that are at par with international standards. All this, robustly backed by a strong distribution network and path-breaking research work has placed us amongst India’s fast growing transnational healthcare organizations. Organic Labs (P) Ltd. is a fully-integrated Indian pharmaceutical company manufacturing over 350 formulations for various therapeutic segments. With 3 Decates years of experience, we are engaged in offering an effective range of pharmaceutical drugs including antibacterial drugs. Our wide range of pharmaceutical bulk drugs includes Analgesics and Nsaids, Antibiotics and Anti-Fungal, Antihistaminics, Anti Psychotics, Nutraceuticals and Oral Hypoglycaemic Agents.
Organic Labs (P) Ltd is continuously evolving. Our stature as a quality-driven pharmaceutical company that partners healthcare globally, continues to grow with each passing day. Our brand identity has evolved too. Modern, dynamic yet warm and friendly, energetic yet sensitive, our new identity is an expression of the Organic Labs of today... an organization that works as equal partners with global pharmaceutical leaders.Quality assurance is an attitude of seeking sustainable betterment in every aspect of our work.
The visionaries comprising of (Board of directors) with their efforts this group has emerged as successful enterprises having a Multi Million company within the last many years.

It is the result of commitment,high ethical standards and sheer hard work of the Organic Labs team that we are able to reach at this important stage. Organic Labs is bound to invest in state of the art technology,dedicated people and world class environment in order to provide highest level of customer satisfaction and service.
“It is our understanding that through our business we make a worthwhile contribution to the society by introducing new and advanced medicines in the market at affordable prices. Our effort is to establish benevolence and trust in people.”
Right from its inspection, Organic Labs (P) Ltd is guided by a strong & principled management team. It is their single minded approach to make Organic Labs a successful company in such a short time. No doubt that the real reason for success of Organic Labs (P) Ltd as an organization is the contribution of its self motivated and dedicated people.

Our Mission
We Organics Labs Pvt Limited are amongst the prominent manufacturers and suppliers of a wide range of antibacterial all across the country. We offer our clients pharmaceutical bulk drugs, anti inflammatory drugs, analgesic drugs, antibacterial drugs, pharmaceutical medicines, pharmaceutical capsules and pharmaceutical tablets.

Our Vision
Our vision is built around a desire to being not just the best, but a leader in the development, and sales of premium pharmaceutical products. We wish to raise the flag of Organic Labs in India as well as abroad. Organic Labs is dedicated to market medicine of the highest standard and market it at affordable prices across the globe.

Our Goals
The main purpose of this profession is to improve an individual 's quality of life. In order to prepare for such a lifelong commitment to society. We wish to raise the flag of Organic Labs in India as well as abroad. Organic Labs is dedicated to market medicine of the highest standard and market it at affordable prices across the globe.